Baseball season is here: Watch out for UCL tears
Spring brings with it the joy of baseball, but too much of a good thing can lead to elbow injuries in young pitchers.
Spring brings with it the joy of baseball, but too much of a good thing can lead to elbow injuries in young pitchers.
If you have pain in your rotator cuff, it may help to do shoulder strengthening exercises at home.The muscles that make up your rotator cuff can be prone to inflammation and tears if you do the same overhead motions too often.1 Making sure these muscles are strong enough is aAn important way to reduce tears or rotator cuff injury.
Shoulder blade pain can have many different causes. Although you may assume you sustained an injury or simply slept in the wrong way, the pain might actually be related to your heart, lungs, spine, abdomen, or pelvis.
Sustaining a [distal radius fracture] may impose severe restrictions on lifestyle for those who are active despite their chronological age. These individuals can benefit from surgical treatment, which enables earlier return to daily function
Isometric exercise is a type of exercise in which you contract certain muscles without any other movement. A physical therapist may prescribe isometric shoulder exercises if you have pain or need to regain normal shoulder range of motion, strength, and/or mobility.